Do Parents Restrict Food when Kids Are Larger?

Do Parents Restrict Food when Kids Are Larger?

In today's episode, let's dig into the complex dynamics of parent-feeding interactions, specifically how parents might engage in feeding practices lik...

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Why Pushing Kids to EAT MORE FOOD Backfires!   Build a HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP with FOOD Instead

Why Pushing Kids to EAT MORE FOOD Backfires! Build a HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP with FOOD Instead

Take another bite! Make a clean plate! Try new food! These might be how youre trying to get your child to eat, but these strategies DONT work for kids...

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The MODERN WAY to NOURISH CHILDREN, from a Child Nutritionist   HOW TO FEED KIDS in the 21st Century

The MODERN WAY to NOURISH CHILDREN, from a Child Nutritionist HOW TO FEED KIDS in the 21st Century

Want in on a little secret? Raising a healthy child means you need to know WAY more than just what foods to feed your child. I describe a modern way...

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Fearless Feeding, the Book with Childhood Nutritionist Jill Castle

Fearless Feeding, the Book with Childhood Nutritionist Jill Castle

The resource every parent and healthcare provider should have on childhood nutrition and feeding, Fearless Feeding: How to Raise Healthy Eaters from H...

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