How a Michelin Star Restaurant Does Delivery | Operating in a Shutdown | Munchies

How a Michelin Star Restaurant Does Delivery | Operating in a Shutdown | Munchies

How should a fine dining restaurant operate during a crisis? Simon Kim, owner of Cote Korean Steakhouse in New York City, decided to keep the restaura...

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David Chang Speaks On The Restaurant Impact From COVID-19 | Munchies

David Chang Speaks On The Restaurant Impact From COVID-19 | Munchies

Shane talks to chef David Chang and Marguerite Mariscal of Momofuku about the collapse of the NY restaurant industry thanks to COVID-19. Subscribe to...

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Operating in a Shutdown - 886 Restaurant | Munchies

Operating in a Shutdown - 886 Restaurant | Munchies

How should a business function during a crisis? Eric Sze and Andy Chuang, owners of 886, a popular Taiwanese restaurant in New York city, chose to put...

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