Learning Egg Wrapped Potato from a Guiyang Vendor | Chinese Cooking Demystified

Learning Egg Wrapped Potato from a Guiyang Vendor | Chinese Cooking Demystified

Street food companion video for Guizhou egg wrapped potato. Absolutely excellent version of the dish, the woman's incredible. Link to the recipe vide...

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牛瘪火锅是什么黑暗料理? 歪果仁能接受这样的味道吗? | 夏波波Brian

牛瘪火锅是什么黑暗料理? 歪果仁能接受这样的味道吗? | 夏波波Brian

哈喽大家好!又是想在42岁前吃遍中国所有的美食的夏波波! 从我第一次来中国到现在有一道菜一直不敢吃,也就是:牛瘪火锅! 今天我在贵阳,而且昨天看到了郭杰瑞吃它的视频,今天必须得挑战! LEt's GO! 你敢吃吗?评论区告诉我! 别忘了关注,转发,点赞! 记住:Whatever problems ...

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