Lunch box weekly menu plan - back to school #4 | BuonaPappa

Lunch box weekly menu plan - back to school #4 | BuonaPappa

Today I would love to share with you a full week of lunch boxes ideas. Healthy, balanced and inviting meals for your kids. If you want to know more ...

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Lunch box food presentation - back to school #3 | BuonaPappa

Lunch box food presentation - back to school #3 | BuonaPappa

Kids eat with their eyes first. If they see something that looks and smells good, you have a better chance that they will taste it, and like it, and k...

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Lunch box containers - back to school #2 | BuonaPappa

Lunch box containers - back to school #2 | BuonaPappa

A big truth is that WHERE you pack your kid’s food is as important as WHAT you pack. The container matters :-) My dream: to open the lunch box when th...

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