How to make ★Zaru Soba★ cold summer noodles 〜ざるそば〜(EP118) | Kitchen Princess Bamboo

How to make ★Zaru Soba★ cold summer noodles 〜ざるそば〜(EP118) | Kitchen Princess Bamboo

Today I’m going to show you how to make Zaru soba. Zaru Soba is Japanese cold noodles eat as lunch or dinner. We appreciate cold noodles on a hot sum...

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How to make ★Green Plum Syrup★〜梅シロップの作り方〜(EP105) | Kitchen Princess Bamboo

How to make ★Green Plum Syrup★〜梅シロップの作り方〜(EP105) | Kitchen Princess Bamboo

Today I am going to show you how to make, Japanese Green Plum syrup. There's nothing but the cold Ume syrup and fizzy water at this time of year. I...

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How to make ★Sakura Mochi★桜餅の作り方(EP6) | Kitchen Princess Bamboo

How to make ★Sakura Mochi★桜餅の作り方(EP6) | Kitchen Princess Bamboo

Sakura Mochi is a very popular Japanese sweet eaten during the cherry blossom season. The saltiness from Sakura leaf and sweetness from red bean go s...

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