Spicy Meat Pumpkin for Christmas & Thanksgiving (Recipe) スパイシーミートパンプキン | ochikeron

Spicy Meat Pumpkin for Christmas & Thanksgiving (Recipe) スパイシーミートパンプキン | ochikeron

I layered nutmeg flavored ground beef & pork and cinnamon flavored Kabocha (Japanese squash). I used holly leaf cookie cutter for Christmas, but you c...

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How to Make Watermelon Tiramisu (Without Eggs Recipe) すいか ティラミス (レシピ) | ochikeron

How to Make Watermelon Tiramisu (Without Eggs Recipe) すいか ティラミス (レシピ) | ochikeron

This video will show you how to make very refreshing and tasty Watermelon Tiramisu with NO Raw Eggs. This is amazingly delicious, so you have to try i...

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Tuna Egg Bite-Size Tamagoyaki Sandwich (Recipe) ツナの卵焼きサンド (レシピ) | ochikeron

Tuna Egg Bite-Size Tamagoyaki Sandwich (Recipe) ツナの卵焼きサンド (レシピ) | ochikeron

This is a perfect dish for your bento box or for party finger food! Very tasty and addictive idea :D The recipe was once printed on a bento brochure....

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Ratatouille Pizza (Homemade Pizza from Scratch) ラタトゥイユ ピザの作り方 - OCHIKERON - CREATE EAT HAPPY | ochikeron

Ratatouille Pizza (Homemade Pizza from Scratch) ラタトゥイユ ピザの作り方 - OCHIKERON - CREATE EAT HAPPY | ochikeron

Have you seen "Ratatouille"? It is a movie released in 2007. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0382932/ There was a contest related to this movie at that t...

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Stir-Fried Cabbage Neapolitan (Vegan Napolitan) Recipe キャベツのナポリタン炒め レシピ | ochikeron

Stir-Fried Cabbage Neapolitan (Vegan Napolitan) Recipe キャベツのナポリタン炒め レシピ | ochikeron

Do you know Spaghetti Neapolitan (Napolitan)? It is Japanese-style spaghetti seasoned with ketchup. It is very popular home-cooked dish in Japan. It i...

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Wasabi Guacamole Japonés (Japanese-Style) Recipe 和風グワカモーレ (ワカモレ) レシピ | ochikeron

Wasabi Guacamole Japonés (Japanese-Style) Recipe 和風グワカモーレ (ワカモレ) レシピ | ochikeron

Cómo hacer guacamole Japonés muy fácil y delicioso! I used wasabi instead of chili, cayenne pepper, or any hot spices. Very simple and tasty, so I h...

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Spinach Bacon Crispy Cheese Gyoza with Balsamic Vinegar カリカリチーズ餃子 - OCHIKERON - CREATE EAT HAPPY | ochikeron

Spinach Bacon Crispy Cheese Gyoza with Balsamic Vinegar カリカリチーズ餃子 - OCHIKERON - CREATE EAT HAPPY | ochikeron

This recipe was awarded by chef Sakai (Hiroyuki) who is well-known for Iron Chef French on the Japanese TV show Iron Chef! The contest "Cheese-1GP" w...

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