レゴでルフィインベーダーONE PIECE LEGO Monkey D. Luffy Space Invaders | MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ

レゴでルフィインベーダーONE PIECE LEGO Monkey D. Luffy Space Invaders | MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ

最後におまけでスラリンも。スーパーマリオはこちら⇒ http://douga.rakuten.ne.jp/v?5nszea

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Chris Kendall The Raw Advantage - California Dreaming

Chris Kendall The Raw Advantage - California Dreaming

http://the-raw-advantage.com video blog # 9 featuring my first few days in Marina Del Rey California :) Some skateboarding action, sunshine, friends, ...

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