A Tomato Substitute For Nightshade Allergies & Autoimmune Conditions

A Tomato Substitute For Nightshade Allergies & Autoimmune Conditions

Nightshade intolerance, tomato allergies, and autoimmune conditions that get triggered by the humble tomato are surprisingly common, and it's no fun ...

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Fixing Nighshade Problems W/ Lectin Reduction

Fixing Nighshade Problems W/ Lectin Reduction

Tomatoes destroy my body. Or at least they have for most of my life. If I eat a few I'll end up with bloating, gas, and diarrhea, along with itchy s...

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Lectins Can Cause Colitis, Crohn

Lectins Can Cause Colitis, Crohn's, And Autoimmune Skin Conditions In Some People

Lectins - fine for most, but life destroying for some? The removal of most of these glycoproteins from my diet ended the reign of the horrible autoim...

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Do Nightshade Vegetables Like Tomatoes Cause Arthritis And Inflammation?

Do Nightshade Vegetables Like Tomatoes Cause Arthritis And Inflammation?

People often say that tomatoes and other nightshade vegetables cause arthritis and inflammation, but is there any science to support this position? I...

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