BEST MEXICAN STREET FOOD in Patzcuaro, MEXICO | MICHOACAN STREET FOOD | Chasing a Plate - Thomas & Sheena

BEST MEXICAN STREET FOOD in Patzcuaro, MEXICO | MICHOACAN STREET FOOD | Chasing a Plate - Thomas & Sheena

We're in the state of Michoacan, Mexico a state which is synonymous with carnitas, avocados and a strong indigenous food culture. We travel from Morel...

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Ptzcuaro Miichoacn   Sabores Regionales

Ptzcuaro Miichoacn Sabores Regionales

Ptzcuaro Michoacn que significa entrada al paraiso, un puerblo muy hermoso con gente linda y amable, no puedes dejar de visitarlo y comer sus delicias...

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