How Far We Will Go   Jewish Learning and Inspiration with Rabbi Yechiel Spero

How Far We Will Go Jewish Learning and Inspiration with Rabbi Yechiel Spero

How far would you go to keep your friend from embarrasment? Rabbi Spero tells a story of a situation that might seem simple at first, but leads to som...

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How Challenges Make Us Grateful   Jewish Learning and Inspiration with Rabbi Yechiel Spero

How Challenges Make Us Grateful Jewish Learning and Inspiration with Rabbi Yechiel Spero

Traveling to Eretz Yisrael has been difficult recently, but Rabbi Spero reminds us of the amazing privilege we have to be able to walk the land of Isr...

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It's Time to Learn Torah Jewish Learning and Inspiration with Rabbi Yechiel Spero

Shavuot is coming up. And while we might not be learning in our shuls yet, Rabbi Spero has an inspirational story of how nothing can come between us a...

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Keeping Our Jewish Identity   Jewish Learning and Inspiration with Rabbi Yechiel Spero

Keeping Our Jewish Identity Jewish Learning and Inspiration with Rabbi Yechiel Spero

This week's parsha begins the tale of the Jews' redemption from Egypt. But how did they keep their identity so strong? Rabbi Spero tells the story of ...

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Don't Take it for Granted Jewish Learning and Inspiration with Rabbi Yechiel Spero

Rabbi Spero is back telling a story of the limitless possiblities of being a Jew, and how we can affect others. Yaakov's ladder is more than just a st...

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Appreciate the Simple Joys   Jewish Learning and Inspiration with Rabbi Yechiel Spero

Appreciate the Simple Joys Jewish Learning and Inspiration with Rabbi Yechiel Spero

As we head into the second set of Fall holidays, Rabbi Spero asks why we call Sukkot "z'man simchateinu" Do we really think the happiest we can be is ...

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No One Atones Alone   Jewish Learning and Inspiration with Rabbi Yechiel Spero

No One Atones Alone Jewish Learning and Inspiration with Rabbi Yechiel Spero

This weekend is Shabbat Shuva, the Shabbat between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. With Yom Kippur around the corner, atonement is on the brain. But why...

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Don't Take 'No' for an Answer Jewish Learning and Inspiration with Rabbi Yechiel Spero

Pesach Sheni is just days away, but why do we celebrate Passover a second time around? Rabbi Spero talks about taking opportunities, not taking no for...

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Making Time Count   Jewish Learning and Inspiration with Rabbi Yechiel Spero

Making Time Count Jewish Learning and Inspiration with Rabbi Yechiel Spero

Counting the Omer is something that by its very nature should be a time bound mitzvah, but the Rabbis tell us it is not. According to Rabbi Akiva Tatz...

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The Holiday of Faith   Jewish Learning and Inspiration with Rabbi Yechiel Spero

The Holiday of Faith Jewish Learning and Inspiration with Rabbi Yechiel Spero

Why is Passover called Chag Hamatzot? What is the significance of this holiday in terms of our relationship with God? Explore with Rabbi Yechiel Spero...

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