Can a Master Chef Contestant Redeem a School Lunch? | Ramsay Redemption | Gordon Ramsay

Can a Master Chef Contestant Redeem a School Lunch? | Ramsay Redemption | Gordon Ramsay

It's Ramsay Redemption time and this week Monti is redeeming a school lunch that Gordon Ramsay burned on Twitter! How will the this Southern Spin turn...

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Can a Steak Dish Burned by Gordon Ramsay Get a Makeover? | Ramsay Redemption

Can a Steak Dish Burned by Gordon Ramsay Get a Makeover? | Ramsay Redemption

The internet loves to send dishes to Gordon but he's fed up with burning them...That's where Monti Carlo comes in! The founder of http://www.Everythin...

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