5 Early Spring Forest Edible Wild Plants

5 Early Spring Forest Edible Wild Plants

Springtime edible wild plants in a forest emerge early and depending on geographic location, can provide us with a bounty of food well into May. To le...

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7 Springtime Not-So-Common Edible and Medicinal Plants

7 Springtime Not-So-Common Edible and Medicinal Plants

Depending where you are geographically located, some of these plants may be protected, or they may not occur in your area. Be sure to check local laws...

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Trout Lily Identification

Trout Lily Identification

BE SURE TO TEST ONLY A LITTLE FIRST AS THESE "CAN BE" AN EMETIC!!! THEN ONLY IN SMALL QUANTITIES. Trout Lily (Erythronium americanum) grows in huge c...

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