Glow every day! A cuppa with Lucy Wray and Twinings

Glow every day! A cuppa with Lucy Wray and Twinings

This is a commissioned video for Twinings. Whos the friend who can always make you GLOW? For me it's good friend and interior designer Lucy. We had a ...

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Energise your life! A cuppa with Claire Dorkes and Twinings

Energise your life! A cuppa with Claire Dorkes and Twinings

This is a commissioned video for Twinings. Do you have a friend who always seems to ENERGISE you? For me its my good friend Claire, so we got together...

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1D One Direction "One way or another" Red Nose Day Cupcakes Recipe

1D One Direction "One way or another" Red Nose Day Cupcakes Recipe

One Direction 1D *Recipe* 1.Break tea leaves with a rolling pin. 2.Add 1tsp(4g) baking powder into 200g of cake flour and sift togeth...

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