Celebrating Purim 2021

Celebrating Purim 2021

Happy Purim Everyone! Here's a little summary of how our Purim looked, including socially distanced Mishloach Manot, and even Mishloach Manot for the...

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Do What You Can

Do What You Can

Sometimes you can't do much, but you never know the impact of doing what you can. Rabbi Spero tells the story of a small gesture that inspired thousan...

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Purim Prep - Tips to Organize and Prepare for the Jewish Holiday Purim

Purim Prep - Tips to Organize and Prepare for the Jewish Holiday Purim

Do you do much preparation for Purim? I'd love to hear your tips below! Easy Hamantaschen Tutorial - Only 6 Ingredients:https://youtu.be/vZvp1YgFDwE...

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Donating our Tzedakah Boxes - End of Year Giving with Kids (Charity)

Donating our Tzedakah Boxes - End of Year Giving with Kids (Charity)

Since we've reached the end of year, I wanted to take my children to physically give their tzedakah (charity) box money to a place in our community. ...

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What do you do with your Hanukkah Gelt? (Real and Chocolate) - Kids and Holiday Money

What do you do with your Hanukkah Gelt? (Real and Chocolate) - Kids and Holiday Money

Do your kids receive gifts of money for the holidays? I'd love to hear how you handle money gifts (or gelt) for Hanukkah or Christmas. My children h...

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Hanukkah Gelt, Coin, and Money Themed Play Activities for Preschool Aged Children

Hanukkah Gelt, Coin, and Money Themed Play Activities for Preschool Aged Children

Extend imaginative Hanukkah playtime with gelt, dreidels and coins, plus props like a cash register and pretend wallet. Get the most out of this year...

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