Easy Coconut Ice Cream Recipe | Vegan Homemade Coconut Kulfi Recipe | Eat East Indian

Easy Coconut Ice Cream Recipe | Vegan Homemade Coconut Kulfi Recipe | Eat East Indian

Coconut Cream Ice cream is tasty and vegan Icecream that is a wonderful treat for all Ice cream lovers. Its hot out there and you want healthy cold tr...

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Banana chocolat ice cream   The Buddhist Chef

Banana chocolat ice cream The Buddhist Chef

Banana chocolat ice cream Did you know that bananas can make pretty fabulous ice cream with all the richness, flavor and creaminess of the real thing?...

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Matcha Ice Cream   3 INGREDIENTS VEGAN


It's getting hot in Ireland right in time to stop the matcha latte trend, so why not get your matcha tea fix while cooling down this summer. Try out t...

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