Drooling wok hei infused Zi Char at 80-year-old Tong Ah Eating House known for Kopi & Kaya toast

Drooling wok hei infused Zi Char at 80-year-old Tong Ah Eating House known for Kopi & Kaya toast

Established since 1939, Tong Ah Eating House is run by the 4th generation owner Mr Tang Chew Fue. Known for its coffee and kaya toast, Tong Ah is a fa...

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Super Easy Canned Pig Trotter Beehoon Recipe

Super Easy Canned Pig Trotter Beehoon Recipe

This is one of our comfort food and convenience food as well. It's like getting microwaved meals from 7-11 except there's no need to walk to 7-11 for...

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