Grilled Prawns With Cilantro And Ginger Sauce

Grilled Prawns With Cilantro And Ginger Sauce

1. Preheat the broiler or light a fire in an open grill.

2. Peel prawns, discarding shells.

3. Optional step: devein prawns using a small sharp knife to partially split the prawns lengthways and remove the fine digestive cord.

4. Pat prawns dry with paper towels.

5. Mix together the marinade ingredients. Add the prawns and set aside for 10 minutes.

6. Mix sauce ingredients together and set aside.

7. Place prawns on a baking tray big enough to fit under the broiler. Alternatively, cook them on a grill over gray coals.

8. Cook the prawns for 3 minutes on one side, flip, and cook for 2 minutes on other side.

9. Serve prawns with sauce.


