Gulai Bagar (Western Sumatran Curry)

Gulai Bagar (Western Sumatran Curry)

1. In a wok or frying pan, roast the coconut until golden brown (takes only a few minutes). Remove and place in blender.

2. Roast the coriander seeds, stirring continuously for 1-2 minutes then remove and place in blender. Add the almonds and grind in the blender until ingredients are a warm paste.

3. Heat the oil and stir fry the onions, garlic and chillies for two minutes. Add the meat and cover the pan for 3-4 minutes. Add the blended paste to the pan, stir well and recover the pan. Cook for another 2-3 minutes.

4. In a cheesecloth, wrap the cloves, cardamoms, cinnamon, and leaves and add to the pan. Add the remaining ingredients except the tamarind water, salt, eggplants and 1 1/2 cups coconut milk.

5. Simmer for 50 minutes. Add the tamarind water, salt and coconut milk. Continue to cook for 20-30 minutes or until the sauce begins to thicken. Lay the eggplant slices over the mixture and simmer until they are cooked (5-6 minutes).

6. To serve, remove the meat and carve as you desire. Place sliced meat into an ovenproof casserole dish and cover with the eggplant slices. Discard the cheesecloth from the sauce. Skim off excess oil from the sauce and discard. Pour sauce over the meat and bring mixture to just under a boil. Must be very hot when served at tableside.


