#14 ~ : Korean radish soup, sogogi moo-guk Honeykki

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Todays menu is sogogi moo-guk, one of Korean basic soup.
Radish soup has two types of recipe according to region
: clear soup using only beef and radish and spicy soup with extra red pepper powder and vegetables.
I made spicy radish soup because I was craving spicy food. Finally, I got back my appetite after eating it!

* Ingredients(3~4served)
200g, 1, 1/3, 1, , 2, 1/2, 1, , ,
200g beef , 1L water, 1/3 radish, 1 green onion, a handful of bean sprouts, 2Tbs red pepper powder
1/2 Tbs chopped garlic, 1Tbs sesame oil, soy sauce & salt to taste, pepper

* Recipe
1. .
1. Cut the vegetables into bite sized pieces.

2. .
2. Pat dry the beef using paper towel.

3. , .
3. In a pot, add sesame oil and beef and fry.

4. , , .
4. When the meat is done, add sliced radish, red pepper powder and chopped garlic and keep frying.

5. 15~20 , 10 .
5. Pour the water and simmer for 15~20min. Add green onion and bean sprouts and keep simmering for 10min.

6. , . .
6. Add soy sauce and salt to taste. Add pepper to your preference.

* Music - White chocolate (: )

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