1914 Kentucky Colonel Cocktail By Jacques Straub of the Pendennis Club

1914 Kentucky Colonel Cocktail By Jacques Straub of the Pendennis Club Glen and Friends Cocktails After Dark
This classic cocktail is found in the 1914 Jacques Straub Cocktail book "Drinks" - Jacques Straub was a bartender at the Pendennis Club and is often credited with inventing the Old Fashioned Cocktail. We're not sure if this was a Pendennis Club Cocktail, or if it was inspired by his time at that club in Kentucky... But the Kentucky Colonel moniker is part of the lore around the creation of the Old Fashioned Cocktail.

Kentucky Colonel Cocktail
jigger Benedictine
jigger bourbon
1 piece lemon peel
Stir well and serve in an old style glass

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