2 easy indian dessert sweet recipes for beginners | 2 barfi recipes | 7 cup barfi & horlicks barfi | Hebbar | Hebbars Kitchen

7 cup barfi recipe: https://hebbarskitchen.com/7-cup-barfi-recipe-seven-cup-burfi/
horlicks mysore pak recipe: https://hebbarskitchen.com/horlicks-mysore-pak-recipe-horlicks/

Music: http://www.hooksounds.com/

7 cup barfi recipe | 7 cup cake | seven cup burfi | seven cup burfi with detailed photo and video recipe. a classic south indian dessert recipe made with 7 cups of ingredients. it is a popular south indian dessert recipe which is generally made during the festival season to share with family and friends. the texture and colour are very similar to mysore pak or milk cake, yet it has its own unique taste and flavour. 7 cup barfi recipe | 7 cup cake | seven cup burfi | seven cup burfi with step by step photo and video recipe. barfi aka indian fudge is a popular indian sweets variety known for its texture and shape. generally it is made with one single hero ingredient with other supporting ingredients to shape and its flavour. however there is this recipe known as 7 cup barfi recipe from south india made with 7 different hero ingredients.

horlicks mysore pak recipe | horlicks burfi | horlicks milk powder barfi with detailed photo and video recipe. a south indian fusion recipe to the classical mysore pak made with horlicks and besan. the recipe has a similar texture and colour to the soft or ghee mysore pak but has different taste due to horlicks powder. it is easy and simple to make similar to any traditional barfi recipes and can be served for any occasion. horlicks mysore pak recipe | horlicks burfi | horlicks milk powder barfi with step by step photo and video recipe. south indian sweets are known for its mouth-melting flavour it has to offer. typically it is due to the combination of sugar and clarified butter used in most of the traditional recipes. to these traditional sweets, there is some adulteration to make it even better, and horlicks mysore pak is one such easy dessert recipe.
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