200lbs RAW FOOD WEIGHT LOSS! Dave the Raw Food Trucker VIDEO #14

Dave the Raw Food Trucker!
VIDEO #14 of my weekly chats w/ him!

Raw Food Weight LossJuice Recipes for Healing
Raw Food DietVegetable Juicing

For those new to this series, check out preceding videos here http://bit.ly/Hfc1X & this quick backgrounder on Dave's amazing story of natural healing!:
My friend Dave the Raw Food Trucker tells his story of how he came from the brink of death to heal himself of several diseases including colon cancer, type II diabetes & kidney disease, all via the consumption of raw foods. Not to mention his amazing weight loss of over 200 pounds over the last 18 months, and he's not stopping there. He's going to go ALL the way with his health, and wants YOU too as well. This guy is a TRUE SUPERHERO!!
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