3 Tier Burger | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana

The bun. The patty. The cheese. It all matters for the perfect burger, and you can have best of it all by making this at home., with all the toppings you can think of is better !


2 cups chicken mince
4 burger buns
Salt to taste
Crushed black peppercorns to taste
2 tablespoons barbeque sauce
Oil for shallow-frying
1 teaspoon butter
100 grams cheddar cheesed
Mayonnaise as required
Tomato ketchup as required
Mustard sauce as required
Mixed lettuce leaves as required
1 large tomato, sliced
¾ cup shredded purple cabbage
¾ cup caramelized onions
Pickled gherkins for serving
French fries for serving


1. Preheat oven to 180° C.
2. Mix together chicken mince, salt, crushed peppercorns and barbeque sauce in a bowl.
3. Heat some oil and butter in a non-stick pan.
4. Divide the mixture into equal portions and shape them into patties.
5. Place in the pan and shallow-fry till evenly done and golden brown from both the sides. Transfer on a baking tray.
6. Cut cheese into slices and place on top of the patties. Put the tray in the preheated oven and bake till the cheese melts.
7. Halve burger buns horizontally and roast till well browned.
8. Squeeze out mayonnaise and tomato ketchup on the base bun and the inner side of the other bun half from a squeezy bottle. Spread some mustard sauce on the buns and place torn mixed lettuce leaves on the base bun.
9. Place a patty on the lettuce, top with 2 tomato slices and place another patty on top. Top with purple cabbage, another patty, caramelized onions and shredded lettuce leaves. Squeeze out some more mayonnaise on top.
10. Cover with the other bun half and secure with a satay stick. Serve immediately with gherkins and French fries.

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Best cooked in Wonderchef Kitchenware. BUY NOW on : https://goo.gl/eB9kQq
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