4 leftover roti recipes - roti tacos, aloo frankie, laddu & sandwich | leftover chapati recipes | Hebbar | Hebbars Kitchen

roti tacos recipe: https://hebbarskitchen.com/roti-tacos-recipe-taco-roti-recipe/
roti ke laddu recipe: https://hebbarskitchen.com/basi-roti-ke-laddu-recipe-churma/
roti sandwich recipe: https://hebbarskitchen.com/roti-sandwich-recipe-chapati-sandwich/
aloo frankie recipe: https://hebbarskitchen.com/aloo-frankie-recipe-alu-paneer-frankie/

roti tacos recipe | taco roti recipe | chapati tacos | leftover roti taco with detailed photo and video recipe. an easy and healthy alternative to finish the leftover chapati with mexican toppings. it is an ideal snack especially for kids who may not have the roti or chapati by itself but would enjoy this fancy way. it is not necessary to use leftover roti’s for this recipe and you may use freshly prepared chapati or even store-bought tacos. taco roti recipe | chapati tacos | leftover roti taco with step by step photo and video recipe. well, mexican cuisine is still not that popular in india, but the combination of cheese snacks are always in high demand. even better if it is made in a healthy and nutrient way to make it a complete meal. one such ideal leftover recipe idea is the roti tacos with cheese, vegetables, kidney beans and avocado stuffing.

roti ke laddu recipe | basi churma chapathi ladoo | leftover roti ladoo with detailed photo and video recipe. an interesting and unique fusion indian sweet recipe made with leftover rotis or chapati. the texture and taste are very similar to the famous gujarati churma ladoo but made with leftover or stale chapatis. you may serve it with your regular day to day lunch or dinner, or you may also prepare it for celebrations and rituals to share it with friends and family. roti ke laddu recipe | basi churma chapathi ladoo | leftover roti ladoo with step by step photo and video recipe. ladoo recipes are very common across india and are made with myriad ingredients across india. these are generally made and served during the festival occasions, but can also be made for day to day lunch and dinner. one such simple and innovative indian sweet recipe, made leftover rotis is roti ke laddu recipe or basi churma chapathi ladoo known for its crunchy texture.

roti sandwich recipe | chapati sandwich | leftover roti panini with a detailed photo and video recipe. an interesting way of preparing a sandwich recipe with leftover roti or chapati bread. it is an ideal and tasty, kids friendly snack recipe which can be made in no time with basic ingredients available in any kitchen. it is typically made with leftover hard roti or chapati, but you can also use leftover naan and tandoori roti. roti sandwich recipe | chapati sandwich | leftover roti panini with step by step photo and video recipe. sandwich recipes have always been one of the popular selections from all age groups. generally, it is made with sandwich bread slices, stuffed with myriad types of veggie or meat-based stuffing. having said that there are some unique fusion sandwich recipes and the roti sandwich is one such easy and simple sandwich recipe.

aloo frankie recipe | alu paneer frankie | aloo cheese kathi roll with detailed photo and video recipe. perhaps one of the popular vegetarian street food snack recipe made with spiced potatoes and grated paneer. frankie or kathi roll recipes are favourite urban snack meal known for its taste and filling nature. there are hundreds and thousand way to make frankie stuffing, but this recipe uses only potatoes and paneer with cheese topping. aloo frankie recipe | alu paneer frankie | aloo cheese kathi roll with step by step photo and video recipe. kathi roll or frankie recipes are one of the versatile and popular recipes, especially with younger generations. it’s versatile because of the variations it has to offer by mix and matching its stuffing. one such simple and effective stuffing combination is aloo paneer kathi roll loaded with grated cheddar cheese.

Music: http://www.hooksounds.com/

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