Alugobi/Aloogobi | Gayathiri's Cookbook

Alugobi is a classic Indian dish in which potatoes and Cauliflower are cooked with spices.
This flavorful recipe goes well with plain rice and all bread varieties. It can be made as a semidry dish or a gravy dish.
Potato and cauliflower has 2 different cooking times. A perfect Alugobi recipe calls for soft cooked potatoes and a slightly crunchy cauliflower that are not soggy.

Make the best Alugobi with this recipe!.


Oil-2 teaspoons
Jeera (Cumin seeds)- 1 teaspoon
Green chillies-3
Ginger garlic paste- 1 teaspoon
Cauliflower florets-1.5 cups
Turmeric powder-1 teaspoon
Salt-1 teaspoon
Coriander powder-1 teaspoon
Red Chilli Powder- 1 teaspoon
Garam Masala powder- 1 teaspoon
Coriander leaves- for garnishing

1. Heat 2 tsp oil. Add jeera, green chillies, onion and ginger garlic paste. Sauté until onion is translucent.
2. Add tomatoes and cook until tomatoes are soft.
3. Add potatoes, turmeric powdered salt. and cook until potatoes are 3/4 done.
4. Add cauliflower and cook until soft.
5. Add coriander powder, red chilly powder and Garam Masala powder .
6. Saute until the masala powders are cooked.
7. Garnish with coriander leaves.

All gobi is ready!!.

To make a alugobi gravy, add 1.5 cups of water and cook until the gravy is thick.
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