Anti-Convention 2019: Catalyst

Not your typical Chef conference. Two days of legendary Chefs, thought leaders and catalysts of our industry with all the surprises, amazing food and fun Chefs Roll is known for.

Our theme for our inaugural year was catalyst and our goal was for you to leave the conference energized, inspired and ready to be your own catalyst in the industry and the world.

We heard Chef Jeremiah Tower talk about how the original Farm to Table movement started and then examined how chefs are taking it once step further by cultivating relationships directly with fishermen, farmers and ranchers.

Gerard Bertholon and AJ Schaller taught us about cryoconcentration and demonstrated how it can tackle food waste. Francisco Migoya presented cutting-edge techniques from Modernist Bread. Ali Bouzari presented the demonstration X-Ray Vision For Cooks and Barton Seaver showed us how we can become our own catalysts in creating sustainable culinary culture.

We had an all-star line up for our Future of Food Media panel, including Netflixs Final Table winner Timothy Hollingsworth. We listened to some of the OGs including Grant Macpherson, Barbara Lynch and Rainer Zinngrebe discuss mentorship and tell globe spanning stories.

Famed chef photographer Josue Castro hosted complimentary portrait sessions and Andrew Friedman interviewed chefs on location for the popular Andrew Talks to Chefs podcast. We also enjoyed a Night Under the Stars Jeremiah Tower tribute dinner with some of his alumni coming in to cook.
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