Arroz Valenciana | Panlasang Pinoy

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Arroz Valenciana literally translates to Velencian Rice. Contrary to its translation, Arroz Valenciana is a Filipino Paella version. This dish has is not related to any rice dishes in Valencia, Spain. Traditional Arroz Valenciana recipes call for sweet or sticky rice, which is known as “malagkit” in the Philippines. This version makes use of both Jasmine rice and glutinous rice – which makes it less sticky and more pleasant to the palate.

Arroz Valenciana is a special dish served during Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Other ingredients include chicken, chorizo de bilbao, red bell pepper, raisins, frozen green peas, tomato, boiled eggs, and Spanish saffron. The saffron is what makes Arroz Valenciana tastes good; it also provides an appetizing aroma.

Arroz Valenciana is also known as Valenciana rice, Paella valenciana, Filipino paella, and Sticky paella. The use of calaspara rice, instead of glutinous and jasmine rice, will work well too.

Check out our other similar Paella dishes:

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Paella Marinera:
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