Back To Basics Part 3 of 4, Fish Katsu Roll - Making Sushi at Home Series | Hiroyuki Terada - Diaries of a Master Sushi Chef

Master Sushi Chef Hiroyuki Terada shows you how to make a very simple Fish Katsu roll with ingredients he bought from our local supermarket Publix. You can choose any battered fish you like and make it your own. The directions on the box calls for baking the coated pieces of fish but we chose to deep fry it to keep it crunchy. It is healthier when you bake it so you decide and look like a sushi chef when you pop out this roll to your friends and family.

Not sure what to buy to put inside your sushi when all you have is a supermarket close by? Chef Hiro shows you and in our 4 part series, he'll show you what magical rolls you too can make at home and enjoy fully. Stay tuned for our upcoming videos.

See you in our next episode...

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