Badami Halwa - Breakfast Rava Khichdi - Hot Tomato Chutney - Halwa With Almonds with Suji Pongal | Vahchef - VahRehVah

Badam halwa
Almonds - 250 grams
Sugar - 200grams
Ghee - 100grams
Milk- 200ml
Saffron - 5no’s
Food colour - as required
First soaked badam for 3 hours.then peel it.
Put in to a mxie jar and add milk, grind in to fine paste.
Heat a pan add ghee, grinded badam paste,mix and cook
For 10 minutes in a slow flame.
Now add sugar and cook for some time.
And add soffron , food colour and mix it continuously
#halwa #badamHalwa #Pongal #khichdi #tomatochutney #vahchef
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