Baja Fish Tacos With Avocado Cream Sauce by Rockin Robin

Try our healthy Baja fish tacos using grilled fish. We top it with creamy avocado sauce.
Here is the complete recipe:

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My Baja fish tacos are made using grilled fish instead of a beer battered fish. That video will be coming out later.

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You can use pretty much any fish you like. Today I'm using red snapper but you could use mahi mahi, talapia, sole, cod, halibut etc. You can cook the fish on the stove like I do in the video or you can grill it on the bbq.

If you grill on the bbq make sure and use a fish that will hold up to that. The last thing you want is for your fish to fall apart and fall through the bbq grates. Mahi Mahi works well on the bbq.

This is a very easy recipe to make and only takes a few minutes. After grilling the fish in olive oil, put together the avocado cream sauce which really pulls it all together.

Heat your corn tortillas in the oven wrapped in foil or simply throw a few on a dry frying pan and heat over medium heat.

I like the oven method if you need to heat several for a group.

Remove all bones from the fish, if there are any and place the fish filet on a hot corn tortilla. Yes you can use flour tortillas if those are your absolute favorite. But traditionally fish tacos call for corn.

Then add a little shredded green cabbage, the avocado sauce and top it with some grated mild cheddar cheese. You can also use a Mexican blend cheese too.

This recipe is pretty healthy and gluten free too!
Serve immediately!

Rockin Robin
P.S. Please share this video with your friends and family on Facebook by pasting this link: Thanks for your help!

Music by Kevin MacLead
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