Bananas Foster Recipe - Amazing Desserts with Chef Thom and Jason

Chef Thom shows Jason his recipe for Bananas Foster dessert, a simple and adventurous dish that takes only minutes to prepare.

Childproof. Yeah, its child proof alright. Alright, so lets run through what weve got. Ok, weve got a banana, we got out cinnamon, yeah, unsalted butter, brown sugar-dark brown sugar, about a quarter of a cup, maybe a little less of our banana liqueur. Ok. And about the same amount of the dark rum. I like to cut it on the biased a little bit, give it a little of some thickness thatll keep the texture as its coming. So were going to start with the butter, we need to add the brown sugar so as this starts to melt, we just want to mix it up. The butter melt, its going to have a nice caramel-yeah. I just want to be careful that you dont burn it, really keep an eye on it. When it starts getting a little foamy like right now, were gonna drop the heat down. Now we can add out cinnamon just dump it right in. Perfect. So now we need our banana liqueur its going to bubble up pretty good. So were going to just boil that back down a little thicker whichll happen pretty quick. There it is, alright. So now, this is where we get to have the fun. Were going to do this off heat-okay-pour it in. Get the stick. There we go poof. Slide them right into the pool and there we go.
This is vanilla bean ice cream, this is my favorite that goes with this dessert, and now well just spoon some of this rich goodness right on it. Right over the top. And there you have it, Bananas Foster! Wow, that looks delicious. Alright, you better bring it over to your family before they get all freaked out. Here you go take it. Alright Ill take it over to em. Alright, we got flambeau, is this another thing that you guys like? Its my favorite. Its your favorite thing in the whole world. Oh my god, that sauce, its like.. hey, no way, I was going to do that

Jason Glover is the original Dad That Cooks and owns and operates Splash Digital Media. As a Dad and the primary cook for his family, he conceived DTC through his experiences and by talking with other Dads. When fellow Dads shared with Jason theyd love to learn from his own first-hand kitchen experiences, the idea for DTC was born. As the idea continued to keep him up at night he thought, why not leverage his film and video production and comedy background with his love of cooking for his family to become the host of DTC. Ryan Seacrest move over introducing Jason Glover as the host of Dads That Cook.

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