Basic Cheese Omelette - How To Avoid Those Runny Eggs by Rockin Robin

How to make a cheese omelette. You won't find runny eggs with this technique.

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If you don't like runny eggs in your omelette I have a solutions for you in this video. It just takes a little patience.

2 ro 3 eggs, beaten
onion, yellow or red, diced
handful of cheese, Monterey Jack, cheddar, or whatever you have

Cook according to the video and you will have a delicious basic cheese omelette. Those onions give it some really nice flavor. Remember to dice them well and spread them out so you get flavor in every bite!

Once you get this omelette making down, try experimenting with all kinds of ingredients you like.

Try herbs and spices like chives, basil, oregano, dill etc. From there the sky's the limit! Try all kinds of cheeses, meats, vegetables you name it.

Salsa is really good on top too.

Rockin Robin
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