beetroot chutney recipe | beetroot coconut chutney | beetroot pachadi | Hebbar | Hebbars Kitchen

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beetroot chutney recipe | beetroot coconut chutney | beetroot pachadi with detailed photo and video recipe. simple and healthy spicy condiment recipe made with beetroot slices and coconut. unlike other traditional chutney recipes, this recipe has a bright red colour with a bright texture. it is a very good alternative for your morning breakfast to be served with dosa and idli but also to be served with steamed rice.
beetroot chutney recipe | beetroot coconut chutney | beetroot pachadi with step by step photo and video recipe. chutney recipes are essential condiment recipes for many south indian households. it is generally made with coconut and mixed with other veggies for different flavour and taste. one such easy and simple recipe is beetroot chutney recipe made with beetroot slices and grated coconut for morning breakfast recipes.
Cuisine - South Indian
Course - chutney
Dish - chutney
Prep Time - 5 mins
Cook Time - 10 mins
Total Time - 15 mins
Servings - 4
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