Besan Cheela Raita | Simple Vegetarian Khana With Chef Saurabh | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana

Mini gram flour pancakes submerged in spiced yogurt mixture.



¾ cup gram flour (besan)
2 cups yogurt (dahi)
1 teaspoon red chilli powder
½ teaspoon cumin seeds (jeera)
¼ teaspoon mustard seeds, powdered
Salt to taste
A pinch of soda bicarbonate
1 teaspoon oil + for shallow-frying
1 teaspoon castor sugar
A pinch of asafoetida (hing)
Finely chopped fresh coriander leaves for garnishing


1. Take gram flour in a bowl. Add ½ teaspoon chilli powder, ¼ teaspoon cumin seeds, ½ of powdered mustard seeds, salt and some water and whisk to make a thick batter. Add soda bicarbonate and whisk well.
2. Heat some oil in a non-stick pan. Drop small spoonfuls of batter to make coin size cheelas and shallow-fry from both sides till golden brown. Transfer on a plate.
3. Take yogurt in another bowl. Add ½ cup water, remaining chilli powder, castor sugar and salt and mix well. Add mini cheelas and mix well.
4. Heat 1 teaspoon oil in a tempering pan. Add remaining cumin seeds and let it change colour. Add asafoetida and remaining powdered mustard seeds and swirl over heat for 10 seconds.
5. Pour the tempering over the yogurt mixture and mix well.
6. Serve garnished with coriander leaves.

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