Big Encouragement for Kids to Try New Things (#mykidtriedthis CHALLENGE!) (HPC: E34)

Last week in Dr. Biljana Uzelac's interview, she said one of the most effective strategies to get kids to be open to try new foods is to enlist an outside challenge. I'll be that challenger for you!

In today's video I'm going to discuss some strategies for parents to introduce new foods smoothly, go over various personality types and how we might motivate them to be more courageous with their palate, and then talk RIGHT to the kids, challenging them to try something new this week (with some practical strategies) and post a picture of their new food or themselves with it on this thread (with parent permission of course). We'll all cheer these kids on and celebrate their successes!

Related links:

* Dr. Uzelac's interview on making healthy food count:
* Dr. Dina Rose's interview on eating habits instead of nutrition:
* Heidi Schauster on fostering a healthy relationship with food for kids:
* Dr. Nicole Beurkens on sensory processing disorder:
* Dr. Catherine Clinton on introducing foods to babies to prevent allergies:
* Our knife skills class to help kids get involved with food:

#mykidtriedthis CHALLENGE!

KIDS, this is for you! I talk right to the kids at the end of the vid, so grab a tablet or smart phone and skip to that part for my message and *challenge* for them!

1. Pick 1 new food you've never tried and explore it over the next 10 days.
2. You choose it.
3. You decide how it's prepared (or if you would rather have someone else do it).
4. You decide who should prepare it...I hope you're a part of it!
5. Answer these Qs and snap a pic to share in the comments here or tagged with #mykidtriedthis on Facebook or Instagram (publicly viewable):

-- What does it feel like (to touch with your fingers)?
-- How did you prepare it to eat?
-- What does it smell like?
-- What does it taste like?
-- What does it chew like? (i.e. how does it feel in your mouth?)

My team and I will randomly choose one winner from this challenge to earn a free pass to one of our Thematic SkillLabs: Healthy Breakfasts, Healthy Snacks, or Instant Pot & Slow Cooker Meals Kids Can Make! YOU choose!

The challenge is on!!
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