Boys From Baltimore - Our Fan's Surprise For Us! | Hiroyuki Terada - Diaries of a Master Sushi Chef

Walking back into the kitchen late night from a meeting, Chef Hiro's name was called out. He looked to see if he had recognized any of the 3 gentlemen sitting at a table but none of them looked familiar. It turns out that Damon, Pete and Michael were stopping by late night to grab a bite and then were getting ready to head back to Baltimore early the next day.

Talk about a real fan...Damon (far left) has watched all of our videos, and knows everything we're doing here at NoVe. Damon even tried to win the knife etc... We can't be blessed more than that with fans like these.

To Damon, Pete, Michael and all of our fans worldwide...we can't thank you enough for being part of our extended family. YouTube has brought all of us a little closer together, and we can't express our sincere gratitude and love for you all.

Whether you come today, tomorrow, or one day...we will be waiting to meet all of you and greet you with open arms!

As always, we wish to thank all of our fans for spending time here with us on YouTube. We're all humbled and grateful for all of you and for all the sweet, kind and spirited comments. See you in the next episode...

NoVe Kitchen & Bar
1750 N. Bayshore Drive
Miami, FL 33132
phone: 305-577-8200
facebook: NoVe Kitchen and Bar
instagram: NoVe Kitchen and Bar
twitter: NoVe Kitchen and Bar
email: [email protected]
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