Brad Makes Mistakes It's Alive Camping Outtakes Bon Apptit

In this special edition of It's Alive, Bon Apptit Test Kitchen Manager Brad Leone shows you that he's not perfect. Despite a nearly flawless record thus far, Brad demonstrates he knows no bounds when it comes to going off topic, expressing himself with colorful language, and yelling at a tent.

These are the outtakes from Brad's camping edition of It's Alive. For this video to make sense, and some handy outdoor cooking tips, view the rest of the series here:

Join Bon Apptit test kitchen manager, Brad Leone, on a wild, roundabout and marginally scientific adventure exploring fermented foods and more. From cultured butter and kombucha, to kimchi and miso, to beer and tepache, learn how to make fermented and live foods yourself.

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Brad Makes Mistakes | It's Alive Camping Outtakes | Bon Apptit
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