Braised Abalones with Mushrooms -

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Hey guys! Next on our CNY menu is a special dish of Braised Abalones with Mushrooms. Well show you how to recreate this classic recipe found in so many restaurants all over.

Even amongst the different variations, the oyster sauce and soy sauce is a staple ingredient that is always used. In our version, we used baby abalones from South Korea, and making use of a pressure cooker, infused it with chicken stock and jin hua ham for that maximum taste.

Its a real simple dish to make for your reunion dinners and well suited for the festive season!

Get your South Korea baby abalones from our friends at for your CNY!

#themeatmensg #zichar #abalone #cny #traditional #braisedgoodness #dishthefish #festive

P.S. Say, if you like our recipe videos, don't forget to follow our page and share them with your friends. We have many new videos coming up, so stay tuned!
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