Breaking Down a Family Power Hour & Why You Need One HPC: E89

Routines are my kryptonite. :( Anyone else?

I feel like every time I set a schedule, I've just wasted time writing down that schedule because I don't stick to it.

BUT during this quarantine time, I knew we needed a little structure. Nothing too strict, but some routines without times attached to them.

We haven't been perfect, but on the majority of the days, our little checklists make a huge difference in how the family runs!

This interview was filmed last fall before anyone had heard of a coronavirus, but it's SO much more applicable now.

Hear from the dynamic duo of Julie Freedman Smith and Gail Bell, with a combined 40 years of experience in educating parents and children. They're from Parenting Power and took the time to explain the "family meeting" for us.

* What is a family meeting?
* Why would a family want to do one?
* Will the family meeting work even for parents like me who don't do well with schedules?
* What are the basic parts of a family meeting (and why is "vacation" on there??)?
* How do family meetings help our highly sensitive children in particular?
* How do you take the stress out of schedules and routines?

I'm so glad I held onto this interview until right now, because I think the timing is perfect. If you're feeling a bit overwhelmed with distance learning and quarantine life, or if you just feel like you need a little something to direct the week and bring the family together on the same page, this is TOTALLY for you.

I'm watching it again to see how we can implement this at the Kimball house!

Resources We Mentioned to Help Structure Your Family Meeting
* Parenting Power Website:
* Julie and Gail's eBook: 6 Steps to Fabulous Family Meetings: (Use code "KS5" for $5 off)
* Julie and Gail's Book: A Year of Intentional Parenting:
* Cultivating Peace in the Home:
* Break the "Yell, Argue, Repeat" Cycle:
* The 5-step Parenting Plan Expanded:
* The Importance of Routines:
* Related Healthy Parenting Connector Episodes:
* Avoid Helicopter Parenting by Raising Responsible Adults:
* Do You Have a Highly Sensitive Child?
* Empower Your Preschooler:

I am an affiliate for Julie and Gail's book, but that doesn't change your price!

Visit the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse and see how we teach children confidence in the kitchen:

Find all the Kids Cook Real Food Healthy Parenting Connector videos at
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