Building Resilience & Reducing Stress in Kids: Interview with Jess Sherman HPC:E11

Depression and anxiety are plaguing our children, and stress is often a root cause...what can we do about it?

Whether we actually live stressful lives or simply stress ourselves out (or social media plays a role in over-stimulating our amygdala and fight or flight response), there's no doubt in my mind that Americans are experiencing stress, and not all that great at dealing with it.

And it's showing in our children!

Last week's guest, Dr. Kelly Brogan, said, "Children are our sentinels," when something is wrong. With 1/3 of teens reporting anxiety and 9-13% clinically depressed, it's time to listen up. But what can we do to help our kids be more resistant to depression and anxiety?

This week's guest, nutritionist Jess Sherman, has a great answer, and it's all about increasing their RESILIENCY.

In this interview, we'll talk about:

* Why even great schools aren't able to fully tap into kids' brilliance and potential
* Removing roadblocks to resilience (including food!)
* Why self-regulation is critical to resilience, and some factors that interfere with kids being able to self-regulate
* Foods that parents need to be aware of for best school performance
* How to get kids on board with healthy food

Jess Sherman is the author of Raising Resilience, an expert on resilience and reducing stress, helping moms and kids relax, learn and grow. She started her career as a high school teacher, but she kept feeling like there was something missing in reaching her students. So she left school teaching to study nutrition and holistic health and really focused on the impact of nutrition and stress on child development. She's now a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, but it's her experience as a mom of 3 boys that really drives her passion to help frenzied parents find the calm in their home and give their kids the greatest health they can. She combines resilience strategies with food and nutrition to make a powerful 1-2 punch against many of the things that ail our young generation...

You can find more from Jess at or on Facebook at (tag her if possible). Her book is spectacular! Grab that at
You can also check out her courses here:

Visit the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse and see how we teach children confidence in the kitchen:

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