Can Screens and Tech Actually Humanize Us? Finding the Positive with Zach Renner of huBhu HPC: E70

"When should my child get a tablet/phone?"

It's the question of our generation of parents, isn't it?

I invited Zach Renner, one of my fellow stress mastery students and co-founder of "Humans Being Human" (huBhu) to talk to us today about how we can build good habits in our kids around technology and see the positive forces of tech, rather than just dwelling on the negative. He's a "digital native" himself, having grown up with technology, but he raised his own awareness of it sooner than most in my opinion.

He shares insights on mind-body connection, the humanizing element of tech (and how to avoid the opposite), and how to build better social media habits as adults with a simple 5-second interruption.

And don't worry, I DID ask him when kids are ready for a smartphone, and he had a great (non-age-based) answer!

Find more about Zach at and and enjoy today's interview!!

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