Cheat's Lemon 'Meringue' Marshmallow Tart

With only 5 ingredients, you can make this delicious lemon fridge tart! This easy dessert resembles a classic lemon meringue but delivers the light texture of a marshmallow tart and the tang of Schweppes Dry Lemon! Plus, it's so simple, the kids can help out in the kitchen too! It's simply the *zest*!

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Full Recipe

Makes 12 slices
Hands-on time: 30 minutes
Hands-off time: Overnight


1 pack (200g) vanilla sandwich biscuits
2 packets (150g each) white marshmallows
1 tub (1kg) double cream plain yoghurt
cup (60ml) Schweppes Dry Lemon
tsp yellow food colouring

Serving suggestion:
Schweppes Dry Lemon
Lemon zest
Mint leaves


1. Line a square baking dish with greased baking paper.

2. Place the biscuits into a zip-seal bag and crush using a rolling pin.

3. Pour the crushed biscuits into a heatproof bowl and microwave for 1 minute. Stir well and sprinkle the crushed biscuits into the prepared dish and use the bottom of a glass to press the biscuits into an even layer.

4. In a large heatproof bowl, add the marshmallows and yoghurt and place it in the microwave for about 8 minutes on high heat, stirring every minute until smooth and combined.

5. Pour half of the marshmallow mixture into a separate bowl and set aside until needed. In the other bowl, pour in the Schweppes Dry Lemon and the yellow food colouring and stir to combine until a light yellow colour is achieved. Pour the yellow marshmallow filling over the biscuit base and place the dish in the fridge for 30 minutes.

6. Remove the dish from the fridge and gently pour over the remaining white marshmallow layer. Place the dish back in the fridge to set overnight for best results.

7. Once the tart has set, remove the dish from the fridge and lift out the tart, using the baking paper to assist. Place the tart on a serving platter and slice into 12 even squares.

8. Garnish with lemon zest and mint leaves, serve with a glass of ice cold Schweppes Dry Lemon and ENJOY!

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