Chincheche Saar - Tamarind Saar - Soup - By Vahchef @ | Vahchef - VahRehVah

tamarind soup in Maharashtrian style using Marathi masalas
Chincheche Saar or Tamarind Saar soup in Marathi is very similar to the taste of rasam from southern India. The Chincheche saar is made from tamarind juice, spices, sweetened with little sugar or jaggery and seasoned with a flavourful tadka.



1/4 tsp Black pepper powder
1/2 tsp Cumin seeds
few springs Curry leaves
1 tsp Fresh grated Coconut
pinch Garam masala powder
5-6 number Garlic cloves
1 piece Ginger
3-4 number Green Chillies
pinch Hing (asafoetida)
1/4 tsp Mustard seeds
2 tbsp Oil
1 small Onions, chopped
1/2 tsp Red chilli powder
0 Salt to taste
pinch Sugar
1 cup Tamarind juice
1/4 tsp Turmeric powder
Soak the tamarind in some hot water for half hour. Add 4 cups of water to this and mix it well to make tamarind juice. In little oil in a pan for tempering, add mustard seeds. When the mustard seeds splutter, add the cumin seeds, curry leaves and chopped onions. Add paste of ginger, garlic, coriander leaves and green chillies and sauté well. Add pinch of hing, turmeric powder, black pepper pd, red chilli powder and pinch of garam masala and sauté in low flame. Add one cup of tamarind juice, salt, pinch of sugar and bring it to a boil. Taste and adjust seasoning. Boil well until the froth disappears and add one tsp of fresh grated coconut and mix well and simmer for 2 mins. The Chincheche saar is ready to be served.
you can find detailed recipes at my website and also find many videos with recipes at simple easy and quick recipes and videos of Indian Pakistani and Asian Oriental foods
1/4 tsp Black pepper powder
1/2 tsp Cumin seeds
few springs Curry leaves
1 tsp Fresh grated Coconut
pinch Garam masala powder
5-6 number Garlic cloves
1 piece Ginger
3-4 number Green Chillies
pinch Hing (asafoetida)
1/4 tsp Mustard seeds
2 tbsp Oil
1 small Onions, chopped
1/2 tsp Red chilli powder
Salt to taste
pinch Sugar
1 cup Tamarind juice
1/4 tsp Turmeric powder

1/2 tsp Cumin seeds
few springs Curry leaves
1 tsp Fresh grated Coconut
pinch Garam masala powder
5-6 number Garlic cloves
1 piece Ginger
3-4 number Green Chillies
pinch Hing (asafoetida)
1/4 tsp Mustard seeds
2 tbsp Oil
1 small Onions, chopped
1/2 tsp Red chilli powder
0 Salt to taste
pinch Sugar
1 cup Tamarind juice
1/4 tsp Turmeric powder

Soak the tamarind in some hot water for half hour. Add 4 cups of water to this and mix it well to make tamarind juice. In little oil in a pan for tempering, add mustard seeds. When the mustard seeds splutter, add the cumin seeds, curry leaves and chopped onions. Add paste of ginger, garlic, coriander leaves and green chillies and sauté well. Add pinch of hing, turmeric powder, black pepper pd, red chilli powder and pinch of garam masala and sauté in low flame. Add one cup of tamarind juice, salt, pinch of sugar and bring it to a boil. Taste and adjust seasoning. Boil well until the froth disappears and add one tsp of fresh grated coconut and mix well and simmer for 2 mins. The Chincheche saar is ready to be served. "Reach vahrehvah at -
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