Chinese Style Stir-Fried Watermelon Rind (Recipe) スイカの皮の簡単中華炒め (レシピ) | ochikeron

What do you do with the watermelon rind?!
Do you throw it away?!

Then, I have a good recipe that goes good with white rice ;)

Stir-Fried Watermelon Rind

Difficulty: Easy
Time: 20min
Number of servings: 2

200g (7oz.) watermelon rind (white part only)
1 tsp. salt
100g (3.5oz.) thinly sliced pork
50g (1.8oz.) carrot
100g (3.5oz.) bean sprouts
6 Chinese chive
small piece (about 1/2 inch) of shoga (ginger root)
* 1/2 tbsp. honey
* 1/2 tbsp. sake
* 1 tbsp. soy sauce
cracked black pepper
1/2 tbsp. starch
1/2 tbsp. sesame oil

1. Remove hard green rind and weigh the white part on a scale. You may leave a bit of red portion.
2. Cut the watermelon rind (1.) into short and thin strips. Sprinkle salt over the strips, let stand for 5 minutes until soft and watery, then squeeze out excess water.
3. Also, cut the pork and carrot into strips. Trim the bean sprouts at both ends if you prefer. Cut Chinese chive into 2 inches long. Cut shoga into thin strips.
4. Heat sesame oil in a frying pan, fry shoga until fragrant, add pork, carrot, bean sprouts, watermelon rinds, and Chinese chive in order. Add A and stir-fry until the seasonings blend, turn off the heat, add starch with the same amount of water, heat again to thicken the sauce, then sprinkle cracked black pepper to finish.

↓レシピ (日本語)

Enjoy :D

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Noa Noa

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