Cold Lentils Salad in French dressing With Poached Egg & Bacon

Join my online French cooking classes : This video will show you how to make a simple French Lentils salad with poached egg bacon croutons and a vinaigrette sauce.

lentil salads are another classic French dish that is easy to make and delicious to eat. that particular salad is made in the style of the
city of Lyon (salade de lentille lyonnaise). it is a recipe that can be
served as a a starter of a light lunch. you can remove the bacon if you
are vegetarian. this video is part of our quick fix recipe: easy to make and next to no cooking required.

250 grams of cooked brown lentils (fresh or out of a tin)
50 grams of pan fried finely slices bacon
50 grams of pan fried croutons
1 shallot finely sliced
A few fresh parsley leave (flat parsley)
10 cl of French Mustard vinaigrette sauce
2 poached eggs

for the recipe:

for the recipe and ingedients go to:
facebook page :@LoveFrenchCooking

links on how to make the vinaigrette:

Link on how to make the poached egg:
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