Cooking Video for Kids: Cabbage Salad Recipe Kids Can Make

Happy Saint Patty's Day! Did you grab some cabbage on sale or at least were smart enough to get some last week so you didn't have to be in the store this week? Cabbage is a great green vegetable with lasting power, so if I want to only shop every two weeks, I get lettuce for week 1 salad and cabbage for week 2.

Today we will show you a Saint Patrick's Day inspired cabbage salad that we make all the time... Leah just asked, "Where is the recipe?" "In my head!" I said. It's that good...

You'll need:

Balsamic, apple cider, wine vinegar or lemon juice
Olive oil
Garlic powder
Dill (or another herb)

Get our knife skills class here to help your kids cut up those veggies!
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