dahi ke sholay recipe | dahi bread roll | bread curd fire roll | dahi ke sholey | Hebbar Kitchen

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dahi ke sholay recipe | dahi bread roll | bread curd fire roll | dahi ke sholey with detailed photo and video recipe. yet another bread roll recipe prepared with rolled bread and hung curd stuffing with rolls deep fried till crisp. it is a perfect evening crisp snack or a party starter with left over sandwich bread slices. these bread curd fire roll, can be eaten as it is but tastes great with green chutney or tomato ketchup sauce.

dahi ke sholay recipe | dahi bread roll | bread curd fire roll | dahi ke sholey with step by step photo and video recipe. this recipe is known with several names which varies with the region but popularly known as dahi bread roll or dahi paneer bread roll. it is perhaps one of the popular deep fried street food in north india especially in punjab and delhi state.
Cuisine - Indian
Course - Snack
Dish - Snack
Prep Time - 10 mins
Cook Time - 10 mins
Total Time - 20 mins
Servings - 6
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