Double Choc Cinnamon Rolls

Chocolate + Cinnamon = BEST CINNABUNS EVER!

For the Cinnamon Rolls:

1 bag/1kg store-bought bread dough
- cup butter, melted
cup light brown sugar
2 tbsp cinnamon
2 slabs Nestl Aero Dark, melted

For the topping:

1 slab Nestl Milk Aero, broken into small pieces
cup blanched chopped almonds

Serves 8-10


For the Cinnamon Rolls:

1. Preheat the oven to 180C

2. Line an ovenproof dish with baking paper.

3. Thinly roll out the store-bought bread dough onto a floured surface.

4. Stir the sugar and the cinnamon into the melted butter.

5. Brush one side of the bread dough generously with this butter mixture (retain a little for the tops of the buns).

6. Spread the melted Aero Dark chocolate over the cinnamon sugar layer

7. Tightly roll the dough up into a long log.

8. Use a sharp knife to cut the log into equal sized rings to create your rolls

9. Place the rolls into the lined baking dish touching slightly, but not squeezed together.

10. Allow to rise slightly for 30 minutes in a warm area

11. Carefully brush the top of the rolls with the remaining butter mixture.

12. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until cooked & golden.

For the topping:

1. Melt the Nestl Milk Aero in the microwave in 15 second intervals.

2. Drizzle generously over the buns.

3. Sprinkle over the almond nibs (chopped almonds).

4. Serve warm and ENJOY!!
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