Easter Creme Egg Cupcake Recipe | Cupcake Jemma | CupcakeJemma

It's EASTER!!! That means that Cream Eggs are available in abundance. But why just eat them when you could bake them into cupcakes for the ultimate Easter egg-hunt? AND make the cupcakes look like EGGS? Eggscellent...eggsciting...eggsemplary...eggcetera.

For the cupcakes -

6 Cadburys Creme Eggs (filling scooped out into a bowl and set aside and the shells chopped)
280g plain flour
65g cocoa powder
380g caster sugar
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
½ tsp of salt
3 large free range eggs
1 cup cooled coffee (not hot!)
1 cup buttermilk
210ml vegetable oil
24 mini Cadbury's Creme Eggs frozen!

For the Marshmallowy Meringue Icing -

2 egg white
175g caster sugar
115g Golden Syrup/corn syrup
2 tbsp water
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
1/4 salt
1 tsp vanilla extract
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