Easy Egg Cups 3 Ways

A heat & eat, healthy, weekday breakfast option YUM!!

Easy Egg Cups 3-Ways


8 10 large eggs
1/3 cup milk
1 tsp Aromat Naturally Tasty

Serving suggestion 1 (makes 4 cups)

1/2 cup baby spinach
cup cherry tomatoes
cup feta, chunks

Serving suggestion 2 (makes 4 cups)

1/2 cup mushroom, sliced
1 red pepper

Serving suggestion 3 (makes 4 cups)

2 slices of sandwich ham
1/2 cup cheese, grated

Makes 12 egg cups


1. Preheat the oven to 170C and grease a normal 12-hole muffin tin.

2. In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs and milk.

3. Season with Aromat Naturally Tasty.

4. Set aside while the other ingredients are being prepared.

Serving suggestion 1:

1. Chop the baby spinach into fine pieces and halve the cherry tomatoes.

2. Divide these ingredients equally into one row of a muffin tin and top with some feta chunks.

Serving suggestion 2:

1. Chop the mushrooms and the red pepper into small pieces.

2. Divide these ingredients equally into one row of a muffin tin.

Serving suggestion 3:

1. Cut the ham into smaller squares.

2. Divide the ham and cheese equally into one row of a muffin tin.

To finish:

1. Pour the egg mixture over the fillings, filling each muffin tin hole full.

2. Bake for 20 25 minutes until the egg is set. Allow to cool in the tin for 5 minutes before removing to cool on a wire rack for 10 15 minutes.

3. Place into an airtight container. Store in the fridge for up to five days.

4. Microwave for 10 15 seconds, sprinkle with a dash of Aromat Naturally Tasty and serve as breakfast with a glass of fresh orange juice. ENJOY!!

Planning to try this?

If yes, please share your pictures with us on the Foodies Of SA Group on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/301933683643677/
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